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Est. Reading Time: 6 minutes.

In his memoir, Pageboy, Elliot Page brings to light his story as a transgender man. For a long time, he felt destined to be disconnected from everything; “Alone you thrive, secret and safe, but separate you feel invisible,” he shared. In the LGBTQIA+ community, there are others like Elliot, force to hide from the world and force to hide from the Self.

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Est. Reading Time: 5 minutes.

Two things I’ve been working on this summer are my relationship with food and my blogging. I’ll share more about my eating some other day. For now, here’s some thoughts taken from my journal about blogging.

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Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes.

I am struggling to finish the work I already have. How can I ever reach my other goals? This is a normal thought to have when you’re juggling school, work, parenting, or any combination requiring your commitment.

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