I share tidbits of people’s stories...

In Solito, Javier Zamora tells a story about what makes us human. Like our ability to form—and repair— deep attachments with each other. It is a story about a nine-year-old boy who traveled from La Herruda, Salvador to the United States to be reunited with his parents. A story with no guardian angel to answer his prayers. And where his survival was placed in the hands of strangers.

Est. Reading Time: 6 minutes.

“Every question possessed a power that was lost in the answer.” Questions are acts to seek truth. And humans will forever seek truth. Every living moment adds terrain to these searches. Elie Wiesel learned this as a boy. In Night, he recounts his Holocaust experiences. The nights that led to some of the most truth-seeking questions ever asked: Why does evil exist? What is freedom? And what to do with suffering?

Est. Reading Time: 6 minutes.

In his memoir, Pageboy, Elliot Page brings to light his story as a transgender man. For a long time, he felt destined to be disconnected from everything; “Alone you thrive, secret and safe, but separate you feel invisible,” he shared. In the LGBTQIA+ community, there are others like Elliot, force to hide from the world and force to hide from the Self.

Est. Reading Time: 5 minutes.

Two things I’ve been working on this summer are my relationship with food and my blogging. I’ll share more about my eating some other day. For now, here’s some thoughts taken from my journal about blogging.

Est. Reading Time: 6 minutes.

I enjoy performing this activity but haven’t become good enough at it.

This mindset can be productive yet also detrimental for myself. At times, it leads me towards a healthy exploration about what enjoyment, performance, good enough, and invested resources mean to me. Other times, it leads me to overthinking, paralysis by analysis, or a never-going-for-it mentality.

Est. Reading Time: 6 minutes.

Cultivation of your image starts with who you already are, to produce who you want to become. This is why the Munger persona works for Munger. This is also why it cannot be guaranteed to work for you.

Having revisited Damn Right, here are three examples of how Munger reverse engineers to cultivate something or someone of value, first considering who he really is and what he really wants to achieve.

Est. Reading Time: 6 minutes.

In memory of Michael Hickson who passed away on June 11, 2020.

To honor Mr. Hickson’s life, here are four people living, or have lived, with quadriplegia. Each illustrates a fulfilling life. Their successes share a common theme with Michael Hickson: people with quadriplegia or paralysis are always worthy of life. And because of this, they can redefine their purpose.

Est. Reading Time: 6 minutes.

“Early sobriety resembles living life as a clam without its shell.”

The late Heather B. Armstrong (1990 – 2023) shared this metaphor in her last blog post. A pioneer in the early days of blogging, she began sharing her struggles with alcohol use in 2021. She recounted 43 days, one year, and two years of sobriety.

Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes.

I am struggling to finish the work I already have. How can I ever reach my other goals? This is a normal thought to have when you’re juggling school, work, parenting, or any combination requiring your commitment.

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